nws-alerts: Checking more than four warning/county codes can delay the loading of your pages. You should use a cron job to get the data.
No Warnings, Watches, or Advisories

NWS Jackson, Kentucky Click Here Larger Radar Hover Over Radar
Countdown to Fall
 Autumn Equinox begins September 22nd at 8:44am   EDT  

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home4/inkspot/public_html/advforecast2.php on line 561
Updated: 08-07-2024 @ 12:05pm   (0 sec ago)
Temperature Current Conditions Forecast / Storm Prediction
Currently Outside: Warmer 1.1°F than last hour.


Heat Index:  91.8°F
Feels like:  92°F
High Today
11:31 AM
Low Today
6:01 AM
Yest High
5:01 PM
Yest Low
6:46 AM
* Records from Weather Underground Facebook Twitter
Clear Clear

Calm Wind:  NW

Gusting to:
0.0 mph
Current Rain Rain:
0.00 in
Chandler Burning Index: LOW Current CBI
Fire Danger:
7.1 of 100

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SPC Activity Map
Dew Point Liquid Precipitation Wind Speed Sun/Moon
Current: Increased 0.6°F since last hour. 72.6°F
Last Hour: Increased 0.6°F since last hour. +0.6°F
High 11:31 AM: 72.8°F
Low 5:46 AM: 66.0°F
Record High: 81.7°F on
Record Low: -10.3°F on
Wetbulb: 76.6°F
Rain Today
rain graph

Today: 0.00 in
Yesterday: 0.00 in
Last 7 Days: 1.27 in
Jul Rain: 2.85 in
Jul to Date
0.60 in
Jul to Date
  Diff from Avg:10
Over 2.25 in for the month 2.25 in
Jul Avg: 2.20 in
Diff from Avg: Over 0.65 in for the month 0.65 in
Season:1 11.89 in
11.84 in
  Diff from Avg:11
Over 0.05 in for the year 0.05 in
Last Rain
at 3:00 PM
55 rain days in 2024
3 days in July
2 days since last rain
Current: NW  0.0 mph
1Hr Average: Calm
Wind Run: 0.00 miles
Wind Gust
Current: 0.0 mph
Today: 0.0 mph 3:31 PM
Month: 40.0 mph Jul-5-0
Year: 41.0 mph Feb-27-0
Record Gust: 51.0 mph
14 h 36 m 3 s
of Sunlight Yesterday
14 h 35 m 9 s
of Sunlight Today
Which is 54 sec shorter than
14 h 34 m 15 s
of Sunlight Tomorrow
(Noon ?>) graph (Midnight

Waxing Crescent
Waxing Crescent, 2 days, 17 hours, 9 minutes in cycle
Humidity Barometer
Current: Decreased 1% since last hour. 66%
Last Hour: Decreased 1% since last hour. 1%
High 7:31 AM: 100%
Low 11:31 AM: 66%
Record High: 100%
Record Low: 0%
Current: No Change 30.090 inHg
Last Hour: Steady
High 8:01 AM: 30.090
Low 4:31 AM: 30.050
Record High: 30.670 inHg
Record Low: 25.585 inHg
Cooling Degree Days Ky Wx History Heat Index Air
Today: 2.4
Jul: 72.4
2024 to Date: 108.9
Heating Degree Days
2024 to Date: 2073.1
Current: 91.8°F
High 11:31am: 92.2°F
Yesterday: 93.3°F
Record: 140.9°F


1.16 kg/m3
UV Summary/Forecast Solar Summary



Sunrise is at: 2:01 am
Solar Noon: 08:05
Sunset is at: 2:08 pm
Almanac Irrigation Index5 Station All Time Records Cloud Level
Currently: Afternoon
YTD Avg Temp: 49.7°F
Sunrise: 2:01 am
Sunset: 2:08 pm
Moonrise: 4:05 am
Moonset: 4:26 pm
Full Moon: Jul-21-2024
New Moon: 11:14 UTC
Daytime Records
Nitetime Records
ICN:0 | S3C2:0 | Ajax 3.xx
ISS:Ok | CON:%vpconsolebattery% | RCP:%vpreception2%
1 Rain season: Jan 1st to Dec 31st.   6 Air Quality Index is provided by Minnesota Polution Control Agency and is updated hourly between the hours of 6AM and Midnight.   10 Historical average only to day 8 of just the month of July for this station since 2012.   11 Historical average rain this season to day 8 of July for this station since 2012.
 NWS Weather Forecast  -   Outlook 
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NWS forecast:

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NWS forecast:
 NWS Short Term Weather Forecast

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ajax-dashboard6.php - Version 6.95h - 20-Feb-2023 - Script by: Scott of BurnsvilleWeatherLIVE.com
Now supported by Saratoga-weather.org Download

To produce each week's Sunday newspapers, 500,000 trees must be cut down.