nws-alerts: Checking more than four warning/county codes can delay the loading of your pages. You should use a cron job to get the data.
Flash Flood Warning FLASH FLOOD WARNING - Pike County
Flood Advisory FLOOD ADVISORY - Pike County
Heat Advisory HEAT ADVISORY - Surry County NC
Severe Thunderstorm Watch SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH - Knott County  - Lee County VA  - Letcher County  - Pike County  - Wise County VA
Special Weather Statement SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT - Pike County  - Surry County NC

NWS Jackson, Kentucky Click Here Larger Radar Hover Over Radar
Countdown to Fall
 Autumn Equinox begins September 22nd at 8:44am   EDT  

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Updated: 05-07-2024 @ 3:30pm   (0 sec ago)
Temperature Current Conditions Forecast / Storm Prediction
Currently Outside: Warmer 0.7°F than last hour.


Feels like:  69°F
High Today
12:16 PM
Low Today
6:01 AM
Yest High
6:31 PM
Yest Low
5:01 AM
* Records from Weather Underground Facebook Twitter
Clear Clear

Calm Wind:  SSE

Gusting to:
0.0 mph
Current Rain Rain:
0.65 in
Chandler Burning Index: LOW Current CBI
Fire Danger:
-1.5 of 100

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SPC Activity Map
Dew Point Liquid Precipitation Wind Speed Sun/Moon
Current: Increased 0.7°F since last hour. 72.6°F
Last Hour: Increased 0.7°F since last hour. +0.7°F
High 10:46 AM: 74.9°F
Low 12:48 PM: 69.5°F
Record High: 81.7°F on
Record Low: -10.3°F on
Wetbulb: 72.8°F
Rain Today
rain graph

Today: 0.65 in
Rate (/hr): 0.043 in
Yesterday: 0.06 in
Last 7 Days: 0.62 in
Jul Rain: 2.85 in
Jul to Date
0.18 in
Jul to Date
  Diff from Avg:10
Over 2.67 in for the month 2.67 in
Jul Avg: 2.20 in
Diff from Avg: Over 0.65 in for the month 0.65 in
Season:1 11.89 in
11.42 in
  Diff from Avg:11
Over 0.47 in for the year 0.47 in
54 rain days in 2024
3 days in July
0 days since last rain
Current: SSE  0.0 mph
1Hr Average: Calm
Wind Run: 27.26 miles
Wind Gust
Current: 0.0 mph
Today: 40.0 mph 12:46 PM
Month: 40.0 mph Jul-5-0
Year: 41.0 mph Feb-27-0
Record Gust: 51.0 mph
14 h 38 m 23 s
of Sunlight Yesterday
14 h 37 m 40 s
of Sunlight Today
Which is 43 sec shorter than
14 h 36 m 52 s
of Sunlight Tomorrow
(Noon ?>) graph (Midnight

New Moon
New Moon, 29 days, 6 hours, 57 minutes in cycle
Humidity Barometer
Current: No Change 98%
Last Hour: No Change 0%
High 2:46 PM: 100%
Low 12:31 PM: 63%
Record High: 100%
Record Low: 0%
Current: Falling 0.01  inHg/hr 29.920 inHg
Last Hour: Steady
High 1:31 PM: 29.980
Low 12:16 PM: 29.910
Record High: 30.670 inHg
Record Low: 25.585 inHg
Cooling Degree Days Ky Wx History Heat Index Air
Today: 6.0
Jul: 41.1
2024 to Date: 77.4
Heating Degree Days
2024 to Date: 2073.1
Current: 68.6°F
High 12:16pm: 97.5°F
Yesterday: 100.4°F
Record: 140.9°F


1.18 kg/m3
UV Summary/Forecast Solar Summary



Sunrise is at: 2:01 am
Solar Noon: 08:04
Sunset is at: 2:08 pm
Almanac Irrigation Index5 Station All Time Records Cloud Level
Currently: Afternoon
YTD Avg Temp: 49.1°F
Sunrise: 2:01 am
Sunset: 2:08 pm
Moonrise: 1:27 am
Moonset: 1:54 pm
Full Moon: Jun-21-2024
New Moon: 22:58 UTC
Daytime Records
Nitetime Records
ICN:1 | S3C2:0 | Ajax 3.xx
ISS:Ok | CON:%vpconsolebattery% | RCP:%vpreception2%
1 Rain season: Jan 1st to Dec 31st.   6 Air Quality Index is provided by Minnesota Polution Control Agency and is updated hourly between the hours of 6AM and Midnight.   10 Historical average only to day 5 of just the month of July for this station since 2012.   11 Historical average rain this season to day 5 of July for this station since 2012.
 NWS Weather Forecast  -   Outlook 
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NWS forecast:

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NWS forecast:
 NWS Short Term Weather Forecast

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ajax-dashboard6.php - Version 6.95h - 20-Feb-2023 - Script by: Scott of BurnsvilleWeatherLIVE.com
Now supported by Saratoga-weather.org Download

Wind Chill
Everyone has noticed that in winter it seems colder when the wind is blowing. Mothers recognize this and tell their children to wear more clothes. The question the children ask is how much more clothes. Mothers answer very precisely because Mothers know everything. For the rest of us, wind chill calculations are the basis for determining the effect of wind on body heat loss. The wind chill equivalent temperature equation is: Wind chill temperature = 35.74 + 0.6215T - 35.75V (**0.16) + 0.4275TV(**0.16) where T is the air temperature in Fahrenheit and V is the wind speed in MPH.